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Frequently Asked Questions
The quickest way to reach us is by phone 708-968-4515 or to fill out a Contact Form. By providing the property description and your contact information, we will be able to answer your questions, create a cash offer and get back to you quickly.
There is never any obligation or hassle. Once you tell us a little about your property we will provide you with a cash offer within 48 hours. It is completely up to you if you decide to sell or not. There is no risk, obligation or hassle.
Yes. The prices we pay are fair and a win-win for both parties. We do not pay retail, however, that cost can be made up when you factor in the fact that we charge ZERO in commissions, plus we pick up all associated administrative and closing costs. In addition, we close very quickly because we are paying in cash. This saves you money by shortening the period of time in which you are responsible for taxes, assessments, and maintenance of the property. Remember, the land market is very slow, selling the traditional way, and using a realtor to find a buyer can take months if not longer. Costs incurred over this time can add up fast. Before binding yourself to a realtor, get our offer and run the numbers for yourself. There is zero obligation.
Never. Not a dime. What we offer you is what you will take home.